Monthly Archives: November 2007

Inner European

This is really no surprise

Please Put a Penny in the Old Man’s Hat

It’s the last day of November. The year is almost over. I do not think that this is exactly the way that I pictured it back in January.

Then again, I did not expect to go to the Grand Canyon either. I should probably write about that, but I have not gotten back into writing mode yet. I suppose that I will just put up a link to the best of my photos.

I’m Mister White Christmas! I’m Mister Snow!

Holey moley! It’s the 29th? Where did November go?

Did someone start stealing days when I was looking the other way? Is there a temporal pickpocket on the loose? Or would that be a “pick-calendar”?

I Said Go If You Want To Go, Stay If You Want To Stay

I’m off to Santa Fe to see whether I can encourage a miracle. Apparently, wondrous events occasionally need nudging.

Happiness Abounding!

Billie is back!

In non Doctor Who related news, in nine days I will be someplace that I have never been before. I am very excited and a little bit nervous. On the other hand, I could really use an adventure. I suspect that I am going a little bit crazy with all of the normalcy surrounding me.

Happiness Abounding!

Billie is back!

In non Doctor Who related news, in nine days I will be someplace that I have never been before. I am very excited and a little bit nervous. On the other hand, I could really use an adventure. I suspect that I am going a little bit crazy with all of the normalcy surrounding me.

a few words

No, I am not in Ohio.
Yes, I had Thanksgiving alone.
No, I am not depressed (at least not right now.)

I had a fantastic Thanksgiving last year and the memory of that warms me on this frigid day.

This year I had duck, stuffing, a salad, and homemade orange cranberry compote.

I have not really felt like writing lately. Maybe that will change.

I hope that everyone is doing well.

Decisions, decisions

I guess that Thanksgiving is Thursday.

I need to figure out whether I am driving to Ohio or buying food.


Been sick all day today. Stupid body. Slept all but maybe fifteen minutes of today so far.

Home Again, Home Again. Jiggety Jig

Back from Arizona. I am completely wiped.

On the other hand, I have apparently taken 347 photos. And not a single one of them does the canyon justice.

I’ll write more some other time. I need rest.